Class Of 1959
60th Reunion Attendees - 2019
60th Reunion Attendees – September 2019
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Jim Allison Georgia Cramer
Ben Andersen Sheila Daire
Helen Anderson Dave Debe
Sharon Andor Curt Delegard
Judy Arvidson Janetta DeRoma
Harry Baltzer Sharon Dunning
Patty Beckman Joyce Eklund
Tom Bell Tom Engfer
Renae Bendik Gary Englund
Bob Bergstrom Paul Erickson
Arlene Bjurstrom Marlys Erickson
Bob Blix Nancy Erickson
Patti Bluml Ron Faanes
Bea Bodine Karen Felix
Dolores Bonin Dutch Fischer
Barb Bush Mike Fitzgerald
Sharon Carlson Janis Fletcher
Carol Carlson Kathy Friedlund
Bob Champlin Mike Gaynor
Brooks Chantry Ginny Glenn
Paula Coduti Dale Griepp
Georgi Connor Sue Hack
Terry Cooney Pat Hanson
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Hal Hanson John Martin
Marlowe House Bev Matson
Geoffrey Hunt Laura McClain
Doug Igelsrud Bonnie McKenzie
Skip Ilstrup Bonnie Moery
Barb Iverson Bonnie Moline
Dorothy Jacobson Kathy Mountain
Ken Jeddeloh Bill Nelson
Marlene Jensen Annette Nelson
Jolene Jensvold Bill Nielsen
Jeff Johnson Elly Nyberg
Brian Johnson LuAnn Nyberg
Marette Johnson Tom Obinger
Judy Jones Bob Olson
Denny Knapp Richard Olson
Wayne Koepke Carol Osmond
Ted Larson Betty Ostlund
Bill Larson Bernice Peterson
Carol Laudenslager Dennis Peterson
Kaye Lauer Karol Peterson
Lucy Lee Richard Quick
Shelle Lenarz Duane Ramberg
Diane Lindberg Fats Remmen
Barb Lundquist Joan Renneke
Cathy Maloney Hal Rogers
Page 3
Jerry Salhus Sharon Thor
Bruce Schmidt Margie Thorpe
Sandy Schreiner Richard Uphoff
Jack Schuster Bruce Wakefield
Bob Schwartz Lyle Walker
Don Selg Karen Watson
Dick Slachta Nancy Westergren
Glenn Suess Judy Wiehle
Ron Svitak Roland Willits
Mary Ellen Svitak Dave Winick
Bonnie Taplin Diane Winick
Dick Telke Roger Wold
Mary Thompson Ron Zeis
A few of those listed could not attend at the last minute due to health and other considerations.